At Formula, we provide safe, healthy working conditions for employees across our organization. We promote a positive attitude toward safety on every project and encourage employees to actively participate in our safety processes and discussions. Every day, we engage our employees in an open and respectful dialogue about supporting and improving an effective safety culture at Formula.
We regularly review and update our comprehensive Health and Safety manual to reflect employee input and incorporate the most contemporary, informed industry regulations. All our employees understand and actively adhere to a health and safety system that addresses:
- hazard identification,
- risk assessment,
- standard operating procedures, and
- site-specific safe-work policies to ensure that our working environments remain injury and incident-free.
We meet or exceed industry standards for quality and safety. We are routinely audited by regulatory agents for continued compliance and certification.
Our current certifications include:

- Safety Management Systems verified by several third-party safety agencies, including:
- ISNetworld,
- CQN,
- Comply Works,
- Avetta, and,
- CogniBox.
- Large Company COR Safety Certified
- Large Company Forest Safe Safety Certified
- Several members of our team are Mine Supervisor Certified
- CWB Welding Certified
- Formula team members that are Master Fuser Certified for HDPE Pipe
- Insulated Panel Weather Tight Cladding Certified
- ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001:2015 Compliant Business Processes and QC/ QA Manual
- ISNetworld
- ComplyWorks
- Cognibox
- Avetta
Providing a safe start for New and Young Workers
We believe in maintaining a safe and productive workplace for all new and young workers, i.e., any worker, regardless of experience under the age of 25. From their first day on the job, our new and your workers learn how to work safely and effectively.
Our program is designed to mentor and observe new and young workers on the job. It starts by providing new and young workers with a health and safety orientation and training specific to their workplace. It helps prevent incidents and injuries by monitoring their performance, tracking trends, and managing safe vs. unsafe behaviours.
We use our program to create engagement and generate discussion about safe and unsafe behaviour trends and ways to work safely every day.