Indigenous Partners

At Formula, we believe Canada’s Indigenous people form communities that are unique in their histories, cultures, values, aspirations, rights, and governments.
We strive to develop genuine partnerships based on a deep understanding and respect of these unique factors. Our goal is to build collaborative and rewarding relationships and partnerships that actively contribute to First Nations reconciliation on each project.
Over the years, we have learned that successful partnerships with Indigenous communities are built on mutual respect, common goals, opportunities for social and economic growth, and understanding of the local community. We work collaboratively to ensure each project is crafted to respect individual communities’ short and long-term needs and goals.
We strongly believe all major projects in the north should include Canada’s Indigenous communities to ensure all benefits are realized locally.
Our Guiding Principles for working with Indigenous communities:
We commit to open and transparent dialogue regarding projects, their impacts, benefits, and opportunities.
Through awareness and education, we will work to increase respect for Indigenous people’s lands, values, and cultures.
We commit to seeking mutually beneficial relationships and conducting business ethically and sustainably.
At Formula, we’ve been privileged to work with Indigenous partners on several projects. We look forward to the opportunity to continue growing respectful and beneficial partnerships with Canada’s Indigenous Peoples.